Tag Archives: how to live better

How to Live a Life of Simplicity



Lately I have been compelled by the idea of living a life free of clutter and centered around the things that are important. Of choosing quality over quantity. Of surrounding yourself with only the things that bring you joy.

This idea of living a life of simplicity applies to all aspects of your life, including clutter around the house, your diet, and your relationships. Here I have compiled a list of ideas for creating simplicity in your life.

Simplify your Belongings.

Get rid of kitchen appliances you never use.

Pare down your coffee cup collection to a few that you love, leaving enough for guests.

Donate books that you didn’t love or don’t see yourself going back to. Keep the ones that resonated with you and that you may want to reference, or ones that bring you joy to see sitting out on your shelf.

Go through your closet and donate or consign any clothes that you couldn’t see yourself wearing tomorrow (except for special occasion/seasonal items). If you don’t love it and/or it doesn’t fit into your everyday lifestyle, it’s probably time to get rid of it.

Condense your shoe collection to ones that are comfortable and high-quality.

Go through old documents and get rid of things you no longer need. Organize and file the things you need to keep.

Go through your nail polishes and cosmetics and get rid of things you never use, only keeping the classics that you use regularly. Also throw away all those little mini sample bottles that you’ve accumulated and never tried.

Choose Quality.

Actually use the nice things that you are saving for a special occasion and get rid of the cheaper versions you have lying around. Light your expensive candle. Wear your fancy shoes.

When you’re shopping, save your money for things you truly love that will last instead of buying lots of so-so items because they are cheaper.

Simplify Everyday Routines

Start riding a bike or walking places when you can. It can be really nice to be without a car sometimes.

Have a basic makeup and skincare regimen, a go-to daily breakfast, and other simplified morning routines in order to make room for a peaceful, low-stress start to your day.

Simplify your Food

Start buying some of your food at farmer’s markets. The prices are reasonable, you are supporting local farmers, and you get to avoid the hectic aisles of the grocery store.

Aim for simplicity in your diet. Create meals around whole fruits and vegetables, lean high-quality proteins, whole grains, and real herbs and spices for flavor. When it comes to things like cake or bread, experiment with making them at home or buying them from a bakery that uses real ingredients. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just try to avoid the packaged stuff.

Simplify your Surroundings

Start spending time away from the internet and your phone each day. Read actual books, converse with the people around you, or just be.

Take notice of the people you surround yourself with. Consciously focus your time and efforts on the people who energize and support you and limit your time spent with negative people.

Savor Simplicity

Enjoy the simple pleasures of every day. The first sip of your morning coffee. The smell of your clean laundry before you fold it. The feeling of putting on cozy pajamas and curling up to watch a movie after a long day. There is so much to appreciate in life if we eliminate daily clutters and stresses and focus on what really matters.


This list is only a sampling of ideas that I believe would help remove clutter in your life in order to make room for a life of simplicity. By eliminating things that don’t serve a purpose or bring you happiness, you make room to appreciate the things that truly matter to you.


*Second image is from http://junelily.com/simplicity-is-the-ultimate-form-of-sophistication/